HAVOC Legio Atarus Titanicus Warhound Showcase

Legio Atarus Warhound

Despite this reputation, the Firebrands would go on to prove their mettle where other, more lauded names, would ignominiously fall. At the vanguard were the Warhound Scout Titans – scourers of the dead, lords of carrion, these God Engines would rarely engage other lords of war. Instead, they were famed for identifying targets, crippling infantry command bases and capriciously taking life wheresoever they saw fit.

Legio Atarus Warhound

For those sharp-eyed devils out there you may have noticed something different about the chassis. Yes, this is a variant based on the classic scout titan from V.1 of Titnaicus. You can purchase them here and patrons can claim a discount on their store!

There are a couple of techniques I wanted to emphasize with this sculpt – the OSL and the broken mottle effect for the base. The OSL was fairly straightforward, using bright turquoises and fluorescent yellows to give the glow effect.

The mottled effect was created using a nano stencil. I’m very new to this technique and tool, but it’s something that will be explored in more depth this year.

You will be seeing a fair few upgrades for this Legio Atarus maniple coming to the website and the patreon courses soon.

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